Production Lager Ordner Fertigung Stapler


image/svg+xml Introduction of a company-wide ERP system Switching to a new ERP system Digitization of the construction Establishment of new warehouse structures Reduced effort and security in procurement Structuring and optimization in production Training in software and IT Design and programming of websites Takeover of administrative IT tasks

For over 35years we have been supporting small and medium-sized companies in developing their IT landscape. It is our craft to create a good basis for decision-making and to put your ideas and optimizations into practice.

Our Range of Services


We offer an analysis of your processes and IT applications.
At first it doesn´t make a difference whether you want to start again or replace a solution that is no longer useful with a modern system.

One possible solution is an individual ERP concept for your company based on Kolibri, as well as the use of optimization potential, for example in the area of


We are particularly interested in a modular, function-prioritized introduction of Kolibri including:


In addition, if you wish, we can offer you advice on special developments that exactly meet your needs. It is important to us to optimally support your processes and to develop a practical solution that corresponds to the current state of technology.


Of course, we offer you support in the form and scope you require for the operation your configuration of Kolibri.

If you wish, we also support the administration of your full IT environment.

More details:

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